Education comes first!

 Education comes first!

Tanvi(22), came to Vasavya Mahila Mandali at 18. Her case was referred through Krishna Lanka Police Station to Child Welfare Committee and further she contacted VMM. Her father died, and her mother raised her. She could study till 8th grade because she lost her interest in studies. She fell in love with a boy and wanted to marry him. But her mother disapproved of her marriage because she was merely 18, moreover, her boyfriend belonged to Muslim Community whereas she was Hindu. So, she came to VMM, Ms. Chennupati Vidya and Ms. Rashmi counselled her and told her that it's the age to achieve something, not to marry. They told her to focus on her study and after she finishes with her studies, she can marry whomsoever she want to. After counselling, she was put under tailoring training, after the completion of which she received a certificate in tailoring. She gained confidence, learnt etiquettes. Ms. Chennupati Vidya called her mother and her boyfriend's parents to VMM. Now, Tanya was 19 years old. The counsellor and Ms.Chennupati Vidya counselled them that religion doesn't matter in love and we should marry the person we love but at a legal age and after achieving our goals. Their parents agreed and they got married. Presently, she is blessed with a baby girl and is leading a happy and peaceful life. 

Vasavya Mahila Mandali has been helping women since many years and it continues to do so in the future as well. We should also do something if see something nasty in our vicinity. Like VMM,  we should also discourage child marriage and if anything of that sort happens we should take stringent measures to stop it. 

This was the case of Tanya who was provided the best foster care in VMM and like Tanya there are many girls who get forcefully married. So, let's eradicate child marriage and help all girls or women to empower. 

If you are willing to volunteer for any such scheme, you are at the right place. 

VMM has recently launched a campaign "Million Minds" to empower women and children and provide them with a secure environment. 

So, take a moment and join in for the campaign by casting your digital signature:


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