We Nurture Minds ,This was the case of Kavita

We Nurture Minds Kavita(19), belonged to a middle class family. Her father was an awful person. He lost all his money in gambling, so he borrowed from moneylenders. But after losing that borrowed money too, he absconded. He left his family alone. The moneylenders came to Kavita's home to collect their money but Kavita's mother also ran away. So, Kavita's responsibility dropped on his uncle's shoulders. Her uncle didn't take care of her properly. He didn't even give her ample food to eat. Kavita's neighbours suggested his uncle to apply for a hostel in Child Welfare Committee. She was sent to Urban Deprived Residential Hostel for girls supported by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Hostels sanctioned under SSA are being run by NGO'S. One of them is Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM). Consequently, Kavita was referred to VMM. She was admitted in 8th class. She was sent to Girls High School, Vijayawada. She made many friends there. After 2 years, she completed her secondary...