Home is no haven for women - End the silence on Domestic Violence


Swati, 27 had hardly completed her secondary education when she got married, in March 2011. She was married to a man much older in age than her. Her husband was a gold smith. She suffered domestic violence at the very first week of her marriage. Moreover, she came across an evil truth that her husband is an impotent. She doesn't want to live with him but she has to because she was dependent on him. He used to beat her every day and grumble and harass her that she didn't bring him dowry. He was so violent on her by using various forms: physical abuse (hitting, slapping, pushing and beating with objects), emotional abuse (verbal abuse) and economic abuse (not providing her money even for the basically needs). The frequency of domestic violence increased day by day.


Swati tolerated for nine years and finally seeing her husband crossing all his limits in 2019, she decided to leave her husband and wanted an independent life. She went to the Domestic Violence Cell. She got counselling and advised her to file under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act and Domestic Violence Act (2005), claimed for maintenance from her spouse. Family court directed her husband to pay INR 6800 to her per month. Swati's husband paid her only for  3 months then he absconded.


Swati was helpless, father died and her mother was 75, she was sick and badly struggling with her financial condition. After some time, she became, anemic. In that crisis she approached Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM) and expressed her agony and life situation. She asked them for economic support. Then VMM referred her to the nearby Legislative Assembly Member where she was given INR 2000 per month for 3 months. She recuperated from her disease.

She started stitching of masks and protective clothes for COVID that made her living. There was no demand for her previous work of embroidery and stitching of clothes. By adapting her skills to COVID 19 has improved her financial situation. Now she is independent and living with an earning of INR 5000 per month. But her case of Maintenance is still pending in the court.  


         End the silence on domestic violence.





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